A Plan for Everyone

Carefully crafted feature bundles to match your needs.
Privacy Plans
  • Create up to 12 cards per month
  • Merchant-Locked & Single-Use Cards
  • Set spend limits on a transaction, monthly, annual or total spend basis.
  • Pause and close cards
  • 3% fee on foreign transactions (min. $0.50)
Get Started
Everything in Personal, and...
  • Create up to 24 new cards per month
  • Category-Locked Cards
  • Card Sharing
  • Card Notes
  • Priority support
Get Plus
Everything in Plus, and...
  • Create up to 36 new cards per month
  • 1% cashback on your purchases*
  • No foreign transaction fees
* On eligible transactions totaling up to $4,500 per month. Get the details.
Get Pro
Everything in Pro, and...
  • Create up to 60 new cards per month
Get Premium
Plan Comparison
Cards Per Month
The number of new virtual cards that can be created each month.
Single-Use Cards
Cards that automatically close after the first transaction.
Merchant-Locked Cards
Cards that lock to the merchant of the first transaction and cannot be used elsewhere if stolen.
Spend Limits
Set transaction, monthly, annual or total spend restrictions for cards.
Pausing & Closing
Temporarily pause or permanently close a card to avoid unauthorized transactions.
Category-Locked Cards
Cards that lock to a specific budget or spend category, like groceries, dining, and subscriptions.
Card Sharing
Share virtual cards with family and close friends.
Priority Support
Quick response times from customer support to resolve issues.
Live Chat
Access to resources and a customer service representative Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm ET.
Foreign Transaction Fee
Transaction fee applied to international purchases.
3% fee ($0.50 min)
3% fee ($0.50 min)
No fee
No fee
Earn cashback on qualifying purchases.
1% up to $4,500
1% up to $4,500